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Swasthify, a Health-Related Service

Author : Ramesh Nagarajappa

Abstract :

This project aims to lessen the difficulties people have when trying to access healthcare. Even fundamental health services like hospital beds, immunisations, intensive care units, etc. are not well-understood by end consumers. Since there is no such thing as a uniform or national database to keep a track of these products, this problem has evolved to the point that it caused chaos during the pandemic when individuals were hopping between hospitals to receive these services. Due to the aforementioned issues and scenarios, we attempted to compile historical data about how health issues have been experienced throughout the nation. Keeping in mind that the public's top priority whenever they experience a health emergency is time, we developed a solution that aims to put health services at the end users' fingertips. a two-way interface that allows users and hospitals to sign up for the portal independently. The services that hospitals are offering through this interface may be added to or updated at any time. On the other hand, customers can search and narrow down the hospitals based on a plethora of criteria, such as if a specific necessity is available or the hospital's location. Additionally, we've made a special channel available so that any user can interact with a hospital or other users in a chat room through their dashboard, furthering our goal of promoting transparency.
This concept was developed with a very straightforward goal in mind: to strengthen the health system, which nearly collapsed during the pandemic. This initiative will serve as a health as service, where you may prepare before you take any action, in order to eliminate this opaqueness and provide a time-bound service to tables for our end users. It is a valid defence that the scenario was unprecedented, yet our health industry has always been like this.

Keywords :

Microservice, health, encryption, preference matrix, feature-based service analysis