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Nodal Vasculature in Some Anacardiaceae

Author : Tauseef Ahemad and Sarala C Tadavi

Abstract :

The vascular organization in the node of 14 genera from the family Anacardiaceae has been investigated. The leaves were simple in Mangifera, Anacardium, Bouea, Gluta, Buchanania, Semecarpus and Holigarna, 3-foliate in Rhus while pinnately compound in other taxa. These were alternate (opposite in Bouea) and exstipulate. The foliar nodes were trilacunar, three-traced in the majority of the plants. In Buchanania cochinchinensis and Semecarpus heterophylla in addition to trilacunar three-traced nodes, pentalocular five-traced nodes were also observed whereas only multilacunar multi-traced noted in Semecarpus anacardium. The results are discussed with respect to the evolutionary conception of node.

Keywords :

Anacardiaceae, node, nodal evolution