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Strategic Business Process for Quality Management in Nigeria University: A Critical Realist Perspective

Author : Dr. Adeniyi Temitope ADETUNJI

Abstract :

This paper aimed to evaluate and discuss quality criteria that influence decisions on how to implement quality management. The starting point was to map out the strategic business process of how quality management in Nigeria University evolved for smooth operation from a critical realist perspective. The paper focused on harmonising elements of quality management as identified in past literature. The research survey adopted the uses of critical realist qualitative approach, data were collected from 6 universities (3 public and 3 private) among over 190 licenced universities in Nigeria. The decision to select the 6 was purposive to propound a strategic business process for managing quality in Nigeria's university system. 29 principal officers were selected based on availability for interview. The paper focused solely on the element identified as important tools to enhance quality provision in the university both in the study and as identified by past researchers. The paper was qualitative in nature and gather internal stakeholders' views on developing the business model process for quality management. The finding reveals that if one aspect of the quality management element identified in this model is a shortcoming it will gradually affect all other elements of the model leading to low market share. The paper also established that government policies, environmental factors and quality criteria are components of quality management. The study suggested that none of the compound elements nor sub-elements can operate independently rather they are composite of each other.

Keywords :

Business model, quality, management, Nigeria, university