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Growth and Herbage Yield of Ocimum Sanctum: Vermicompost and Nitrogen Impact Analysis

Author : Mumtaz Husain and Manoj Kumar

Abstract :

Two experiments were conducted during the rainy season at Swami Shukdevanand College, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, to analyze the impact of vermicompost and nitrogen on the growth and herbage yield of Ocimum sanctum. In the first experiment, five nitrogen levels ranging from 0 to 200 kg/ha were applied. In the second experiment, vermicompost was applied alone at a rate of St/ha, and a half dose of vermicompost with half doses of NPK at rates of 2.5t/ha, 75kg/ha, 25kgP/ha, and 25kgK/ha respectively. The results revealed that the optimum plant growth was achieved with 150kg N/ha, significantly higher than the control. In the second experiment, the combination of half vermicompost dose and NPK resulted in the best enhancement of plant growth and herbage yield in both main and ratoon crops. This suggests that the application of vermicompost can reduce the requirement for inorganic fertilizers, leading to economic savings while still producing favorable outcomes.

Keywords :

Ocimum sanctum, vermicompost, nitrogen, growth, herbage yield