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Lok Adalats: A Comprehensive Analysis (2016-2023)

Author : Dr. Kamal Jeet Singh and Amandeep Chauhan

Abstract :

The article provides a comprehensive and detailed examination of the history, scope, need, and significance of the Lok Adalat system in India. It delves into the authority bestowed upon Lok Adalats, their case handling process, and presents outcomes backed by data collected through conducted surveys. The researcher has thoughtfully included suggestions to enhance the effectiveness and fruitfulness of the Lok Adalat procedure, aiming to maximize the number of beneficiaries. This well-rounded exploration ensures a thorough understanding of the Lok Adalat system and its potential for improvement.
The implementation of Lok Adalats marks an important milestone in the nation's legal system, providing a successful alternative for victims to amicably resolve conflicts and reduce the burden on the judiciary. This initiative is consistent with the larger framework of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) systems. Historically, disputes were resolved at the village level by "panchayats," which used arbitration as a method of resolution. This method has proven to be a highly effective substitute for traditional court proceedings. The Lok Adalat ideology formalises the concept of resolving disputes through arbitration, negotiation, or mediation, referred to as a "Nyaya-Panchayat decision," which involves those who are directly or indirectly impacted by the resolution process. The researcher has adopted Doctrinal and non-doctrinal methods to achieve the objective of the study.

Keywords :

Lok Adalat, People's Court, Legal Service Authority, NALSA, SLSA, DLSA, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) etc.