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XRD, EDAX and UV-Vis Absorption Spectroscopy of Gel Grown Cerium Tartrate Crystals

Author : HM Patil

Abstract :

The growth of cerium tartrate crystals is achieved in inorganic (silica) gels by single gel diffusion method. Cerium tartrate crystals were grown from sodium metasilicate gel and water solutions of tartaric acid and cerium chloride as the reactants. Crystals grown were spherulitic in size. The principle objective of this investigation is to study XRD, EDAX and UV-Vis absorption Spectroscopy on CeT crystals.
Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies indicate that the crystals belong to monoclinic with the unit cell parameters a= 7.1095Å, b= 5.1838 Å, c = 3.4016 Å and α=900, beta = 92.474o, γ =900, and unit cell volume is 125.25 Å3. The presence of C, O and Ce in the cerium tartrate crystals is evident from the characteristics Kα, Lα, and Lβ peaks of these elements. From UV-Vis Spectroscopic studies the band gap energy calculated for CeT was found to 3.936eV.

Keywords :

Gel Method, Cerium Tartrate, UV-Vis, XRD, EDAX, Band gap