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Observations of Students Who Have Impairments in a Welcoming Learning Atmosphere at an Institution of Learning in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Author : Ahmed Bawa Kuyini, Thenjiwe Emily Major, Mangope Boitumelo and Hazel Moore P

Abstract :

The purpose of the study was to explore the challenges faced by students with disabilities in inclusive educational settings at a school in Bulawayo and to identify strategies to improve these students' experiences. All 15 of the subjects that were randomly selected by the researcher gave answers to the questions. The descriptive survey method was chosen for this study because it effectively captured the attitudes and views of the respondents. The two main research tools used to gather data from the respondents were the questionnaire and the interviews. Tables and graphs were used to display the data that had been gathered. The study's conclusions showed that cultural attitudes toward disability still prevent people with impairments from receiving social welfare services like education. As a result, stigmatization and prejudice have emerged as one of the country's biggest obstacles to inclusive education achievement. Children with disabilities are subjected to both intentional and unintentional stigmatization and discrimination in school and society at large, which puts them at a high risk of dropping out of school or not being sent to school at all out of concern that they won't be able to handle it. In order to teach youngsters how to get along with their peers who have special needs, the research suggested that disability awareness programs be added to the school curriculum. Inclusionary legislation must be passed.

Keywords :

Various cultural attitudes, stigmatization, and discrimination