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The Feminist analysis of Rabindranath Tagore’s “Malini”

Author : Rashmi Nagwanshi

Abstract :

Study of feminism in Rabindranath Tagore's "Malini" The princess of Kanshi is Malini. Malini turned to Buddhism despite coming from a typical Hindu family when she was young. Her yearning for a modest existence free of opulent luxury, exquisite clothing, and priceless jewelry is a result of her Buddhist religion. The queen is convinced that she is a pristine flame of fire where the heavenly spirit has been born. Malini is the embodiment of Supriya's flawless faith. Hindu Brahmins honor Malini as the world's mother. More than anybody else, even Kemankar dreads her. Malini is of the opinion that the impoverished value her life more than the palace does. She has occupied cottages and people's hearts. Malini is a symbol of beauty and love.

Keywords :

Feminist, Malini, Buddist culture