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Study on Comparison and Evaluation of Oil-Based Sand Made of Used or Heated Eating Oil for Digging Processes

Author : De Alzaa F and Ravetti L

Abstract :

Oil-based mud is made from used, heated edible oil that is obtained from a variety of places, including fast food establishments and restaurants. The oil should be collected, then it should be tested for yield point, gel strength, mud density, and filtering loss qualities. The result obtained will show whether the oil used will exhibit similar properties to that of OBM and be used more efficiently by reducing the cost for the drilling fluid.

Drillers and industrial operators have long desired the ability to drill a useable hole with little harm to the environment and with little financial impact. The drilling fluid, frequently referred to as "the blood of the drilling process," is one important part of the drilling process for oil wells. Numerous crucial functions are performed by the drilling fluid. These functions include moving drill cuttings from the bottom of the hole to the surface, lubricating and cooling the drilling bit to reduce wear, sealing off permeable formations by forming an impermeable, thin mud cake at the borehole wall to create a buoyancy force to partially support the weight of the drill string and casing string, and minimizing formation damage of different horizons penetrated.

Keywords :

Oil-Based Sand, physiochemical properties, OBM