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Increasing Self-Compassion and Self-Regulation in Adolescents to Prevent Self-Injury

Author : Ana Xavier and Marina Cunha

Abstract :

The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of self-compassion and self-regulation on the proclivity to self-injury in teenage junior high school students in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The study sample size was 319 people. The self-injury inclination scale, self-compassion scale, and self-regulation scale were employed. SPSS-assisted multiple regression is a data analysis approach. The findings revealed that: 1) the known Sig. (2-tailed) value between self-compassion (X1) and self-injury (Y) tendency was 0.00 0.05, indicating a significant correlation between self-compassion variables and self-injury tendency variables; 2) has a Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.00 0.05 between self-compassion variables and the variable tendency of self-injury, indicating a significant correlation between self-regulation and self-injury tendency. The coefficient of determination, or R Square, is 0.779, which equals 77.9%. Thus, self-compassion and self-regulation work together to reduce the likelihood of self-injury by 77.9%. Other variables influenced 22.1% of the results.

Keywords :

Multiple regression, self-injury, self-compassion, self-regulation