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Polarity as the Key Characteristic of The Glass Palace

Author : Dr. Sofia Nalwaya

Abstract :

The medium of narration, different in each of Ghosh’s novels, varies from omniscient, limited omniscient, objective, first person and so on yet contrast is a device constantly deployed by Ghosh. Although no scathing attacks are made on the evils of traditions, custom or practices of any country or race yet no opportunity to comment obliquely is spared. There is a plethora of the polarity of characters in the novel. In the Noble King Thebaw and Supayalat, the Collector and Madame Collector, Dolly and Rajkumar, Alison and Dinu, in fact almost every relationship in the book is marked with polarity. In some cases these polar ends come together to produce a sparkling magic as in the case of the First Princess and her coachman husband Sawant yet at other places it serves to further increase distance of these disparate poles of which the best representative is the Collector and his wife Uma Dey. This paper is an attempt to trace the plurality inherent in The Glass Palace.

Keywords :

Plurality, contrast, colonizer, war etc.