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An Ayurvedic Conceptual Review of Hepatitis

Author : Dr. Shashank Tiwari

Abstract :

The liver serves a variety of tasks and is regarded as an organ in Ayurveda. It is also the seat of Rakta and Bhutani. The predominant liver disease is called kamla. A disorder called kamla causes the loss of desire. Pitta or the liver in the seat of the ranjak controls desire, or abhilasha, along with other diseases in which the liver is also a factor.The disease known as Kamala-Kamala, which was extensively covered and elucidated in the Ayurvedic book, is today used colloquially to refer to conditions like jaundice and hepatitis, among others. However, understanding what kamala is in its authentic interpretations of classics is crucial before equating it to them. The name Kamala is derived from "kamam lathi ithi," which means "the one who destroys his or her desires." Another etymological origin states that "kayam malaayathi ithi kamala"-something which makes the body filthy—is the name of the substance. Both of these derivations point to the same truth: this illness affects both the body and the mind, accumulating malas as a result.

Keywords :

Hepatitis, kamala, Bhutagni