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Monotheistic Proofs for the Existence of God in Christianity, Islam and African Religion: Counter to the Rise of Atheism in Contemporary Time

Author : Aliyu Tukur, Hosea Nakina Martins and Auwal Abdullahi

Abstract :

Prior to contemporary invention of the doctrine of atheism, monotheism is believed to prove the existence of God among the three religions especially in Nigeria. Atheism is a contemporary world doctrine that denied the existence of God. The paper is aimed at reawakening the faith of adherents of the three religions here on the need to guard against the erroneous and deluding teachings of atheism which posed challenge to authentic faith in the existence of God. The paper made use of comparative, prescriptive and analytic methods. Data were collected mainly from relevant books. The paper discovered that atheism is a strong and dangerous view wide spreading like wild fire across the globe, which mislead people to debunk the proofs that God really exist. The paper makes a clarion call to the adherents of Christianity, Islam and African Religion to uphold tenaciously on the belief and existence of God, and not to be misled by the erroneous and unfounded view of the atheists that God did not exist. Religious leaders in the three religions here should serve strong protectors or defenders of the monotheistic proof of the existence of God among their adherents. They should also guard against the erroneous teachings of atheism at all times.

Keywords :

Christianity, Islam, African religion, monotheism and atheism