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Justice Architecture in African Religion, Christianity and Islam: Recipe for a Just Nigerian Society

Author : Aliyu Muhammed Tukur, Hosea Nakina Martins and Auwal Abdullahi

Abstract :

Justice is among the vital and moral ingredients that are needed to build a true, formidable and sustainable just society. Sad to say that, justice is been pervaded today, and it is decry able due to its wrong usage in exploiting and denying due right to those concerned in the society. The three religions here are epitome of examples as they x-rayed the concept of justice which the society needs in order to move forward in all facets of its endeavours. The paper seeks to reiterate the significant role of justice in the light of African Religion, Christianity and Islam for a just society. The paper made use of comparative, prescriptive and analytic methods. Data were collected from the field and consultation of relevant books. It has been discovered by the paper that, even with high moral emphasis in the three religions as virally practiced in contemporary in Nigeria, justice is been twisted and denied the marginalized, poor, downtrodden, voiceless and less privilege in society today. Perpetration of injustice has restarted full achievement of progress, peace, development and tolerance in the society. It has created ill feeling, in humanity, illiteracy and deprivation of socio-political, economic and religious will as well as means of acquiring responsible moral dignity. Lack of justice also prevailed due to lack of fear of God in all human dealings, corruption, lack of love and being sensitive to all people’s needs triggered high rate of crimes and human ingenuity. The paper recommends that, people should showcase justice devoid of sentiments, religion, tribe, colour, region and political affiliation. People in the three religions should strife towards the attainment of justice for sustainable development to be experienced in the society. Justice should be sought through genuine means, and Government and Traditional rulers should also eschew perpetration of injustices in the allocation of basic amenities, and also in depriving people of their rights.

Keywords :

African religion, Christianity, Islam and justice