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Increasing Competitiveness at Man 4 Kediri Indonesia through Principal Management Based on Verbal Intelligence

Author : Munifah and Septiana Purwaningrum

Abstract :

The governance framework used by a school principal to perform management duties served as the inspiration for this study. To run successfully and efficiently and reach objectives as quickly as possible, an educational institution must first plan, organise, implement, control, and evaluate all of its components. The effectiveness of a school principal's management will be greatly influenced by their verbal intelligence. The goal of this study is to examine and identify the role that linguistic intelligence-based principle management has in boosting competition at MAN 4 Kediri.
In-depth interviews, active observation, and documentation are the methods used in this study's qualitative methodology to collect data. The Miles Huberman paradigm of data condensing, presentation, and inference is used in data analysis. Starting with site analysis at MAN 4 Kediri, site analysis employs the Bogdan model. By examining the data's credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability, you can determine its validity.

Keywords :

Leadership, verbal intelligence, and competitiveness