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Application of Religious Culture at Kesdam IV Diponegoro Magelang Central Java, Indonesia

Author : Munifah and Septiana Purwaningrum

Abstract :

The leadership of school principals, who serve as the operational staff and are given the additional responsibility of leading an educational institution, is what drives this research. They are in charge of coordinating school cultures like religion, nationalism, integrity, independence, and cooperation. The success and viability of an educational institution are largely dependent on its leadership. The research's findings, which demonstrate how boarding schools, Islamic boarding schools, collaboration with affiliated organisations, and the use of an assertive and democratic style are used to execute the embodiment of religious culture and the formation of attitudes. The implementation of the ideal impact serves as a medium for worship, S culture, Duha prayers, required prayers, istighosah, group prayers, Friday prayers, religious tolerance, prayers before and after activities, and Islamic boarding school activities. Implementation of inspirational motivational manifestations, including the existence of Islamic boarding schools, NU-based state defence initiatives, three months of basic education, yasinan and scientific recitation, the book of rules and manners, SKU, PUDD, special Aswaja subjects, and caring for critically ill patients until they pass away, as well as Friday activities.

Keywords :

Principal, religious culture, leadership implementation